Links to informational websites and reports
- Center for Applied Linguistics
- Center Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science
ESL Education Resources:
- Second Language Acquisition Bibliography—A compiled list of references on second language acquisition.
- Center Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE)—an educational research and development center at the University of Georgia that provides professional development and resources for K-12 educators working with Latinos state-wide and outreach support through mentoring/tutoring of Latino students at risk.
- Colorin Colorado—resources for parents and teachers for bilingual kids.
- Center for Positive Practices—news, research and resources to improve education for diverse learners.
- Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence—resources on research summaries and professional training for diversity in education.
- Improving your child’s education English and Spanish: A Guide for Latino Parents [PDF]—a brochure for families describing the importance of education, statistics on Latino education, and what Latino parents can do. Spanish version [PDF].
- Jill Kerper Mora’s Web site—an instructor at San Diego State University, this Web site offers information on cross-cultural language and academic development, including position statements, literacy resources for Spanish.
- Everything ESL—A website that provides information on making appropriate lesson plans for ESL students. Also included are a list of resources and many teaching tips.
Resources for Spanish Books and Materials:
- Me+Mi Publishing —A publisher of bilingual books.
- Lees y serás— Scholastic Books Resource Center.
- Gerra Publishing—Spanish language resources.
- La lectura es lo primero [PDF]—Spanish booklet for families to help their child learn to read.
- Bebop Books—multicultural books.
National Resources:
- National Association of Bilingual Education– A national professional organization devoted to representing Bilingual Learners and Bilingual Education professionals.
- National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems—A series of brief and technical reports for professionals and parents.
- National Center for Family Literacy—Works to find solutions to the literacy crisis that build on the family to create a new cycle of ongoing learning and mutual support.
- National Clearing House of English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction—Main focus is to collect, analyze, and synthesize information on ESL instruction. The information is then disseminated to the public.
- National Task Force for Early Childhood Education for Hispanics—Identifies major educational challenges facing Hispanic children throughout the United States. Offers annotated bibliographies on early childhood education and other topics.
- Para Nuestros Niños—National Task Force for Early Childhood Education for Hispanic Children.
- National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families - Provides data and reports as well as resources for the following topics: Early care and education, healthy marriages & fatherhood, and poverty & economic self-sufficiency.
Other Resources:
- Border Kids Count—Report on issues impact children in the southwest. A resource for Kids Count and other reports on at risk populations.